Simon Mark Smith (

Entitled Reviews

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Media reviews

No, not the lad with the amazing dancing bear. This is
the other Simon Smith, the one who sings about the unfairness
of society, naked sexual lust, charity telethons and the scars
of everyday life from the point of view of a man with no
hands. If that seems a distressing, disturbing perspective, ask
yourself what else he could do. After all, he has no hands.
Smith’s greatest strength, apart from a grainy, rough-hewn
voice, is this unflinching honesty, which enables him to
present his points of view without slipping into the kind of
maudlin self-pity which would be perfectly justifiable but
His Useless Eaters can slip into a Dire Straits-ish boogie or
conjure a swirling ambient soundscape depending on what
his songs need and, perhaps most encouraging of all, is the
fact that, with most of his material, the emotions and feelings
could belong to any sensitive human being and that’s one
measure of a great songwriter

Johnny Black

The Big Issue

"Smith's tender vocals are deeply moving... 
Smith and the Eaters have produced a gorgeously 
mellow LP to melt the hardest of hearts"

The Big Issue May 10 to 16 1994
Best album of the week scoring **** against 
"The Fall's"**, 
"Tom Robinson's"*** 

It’s not the first time that radio-friendly pop tunes have been used to hammer home hard-hitting lyrics. In Simon Smith’s case, the subject on the agenda is disability. Born with no lower arms, he knows all about the prejudice that a disabled person faces every day of their lives. Singing about the injustice he experiences, Smith’s
tender vocals are deeply moving. Sounding at times like Lloyd Cole,
Dire Straits and Chris Rea, Smith and The Eaters have produced a
gorgeously mellow LP to melt the hardest of hearts. Best of the
bunch is Little By LittLe, a haunting ballad.


Chiefly remarkable for the power of
Simon’s lyrics and also the quality of his voice
Michael Cable
Albums Review Daily Express April 1994


“What set's the songs apart is Simon's lyrics”
 The stud Brothers
 Melody Maker Jan '94

Simon Smith And The Useless Eaters look set to rise above the swamp of indie-wannabes that clog up the airwaves at the moment
Adam Norsworthy
London Newspaper Group Jan'94

Wonderful record
Paul Anderson
DJ. Radio Mercury 28 March 1994
One of the most lyrically dense and compelling  collections I've ever struggled through
Phil McMullen
Ptolemaic Terrascope summer 1994

Smith and the Eaters undoubtedly have an enormous potential. [Entitled] moves fairly effortlessly between rock, punk and new-age music, and there are even some rap sections
Michael Turner
LDN Nov '93 

I believe that Simon Smith And me Useless Eaters have the necessary ability, stamina' and talent to succeed.
Clive Dunn
Contact UK. Jan '94

I've been bouncing around the office and wearing out my Walkman listening to some very
pleasing sounds familiar messages are put in a masterful way through Simon's lyrics. A welcome intelligence, in particular the understanding and portrayal of image… This is an album to join the others in your collection.
Kit Wells 
DAIL Nov '93
Categorising Entitled would place it within the adult orientated rock genre, with a style reminiscent of The The, Dire Straits, Pink Floyd, Lloyd Cole, Leonard Cohen, Peter Gabriel  and with strong lyrics and a predominantly guitar based arrangements
Disabled Magazine Dec '93
I  enjoyed this album so much  and played it so often that I had to get it reviewed
Roland Humphries
Editor Disability Arts Magazine
On first listening to this album I was struck by the perfect recording quality. The first track sounds great... The guitar work is excellent. it needs to be danced to! The beat gets to you...  and your feet start tapping.
Francis Rwama
Disability Arts Magazine Dec '93


TV coverage


TV coverage

Program  Type of articleDate  Audience
1Link (ITV)15 minute featureMar. 94 1 Million
2From The Pledge (BBC2)Direct dubbing Nov. 93 1 Million
3Beam & Da Silva AppearanceNov. 93 Nov. 93 
4From The Edge15 minute featureNov. 951 Million

Radio Coverage


Program   Type of ArticleDate Audience
1Radio l unsigned artistsAir PlayNov. 941 Million
2Does He Take SugarInterview/Feature/Air PlayDec. 93500,000
3BBC Stoke (Afternoon slot)Interview/Feature/Air PlayFeb. 94100,000
4BBC Stoke (Evening Slot)Interview/Feature/Air PlayFeb. 94100,000
5Radio MercuryFeature by Paul AndersonMar. 94
6Breeze FMInterviewJuly 94
7BBC CoventryInterviewJuly 94

Press coverage

   Magazine / PaperType of Article     DateCirculation
1Sound On SoundNews IteJan. 94          70,000
2London News Paper GroupFull page feature        Jan. 94300,000
3Melody Maker ReviewJan. 94
4Melody MakerReader’s letter                Feb. 94
5Melody MakerMore reader’s Letter           Mar. 94
6Hifi News & Record ReviewReviewApr. 94
7DAILNews itemNov. 935,000
8DAILInterviewDec. 935,000
9DAILAdvertisementJan. 945,000
10DAILFeatureMar. 945,000
11DAMReviewDec. 93
12LDNReviewNov. 93
13DSCFeatureDec. 93
14Disability NowDisability NowMar. 9410,000
15CeefaxNews itemDec. 93
16Contact UKReview/FeatureJan. 9492,000
17Evening StandardReviewApr.  94
18The Big IssueReviewMay. 94
19The Daily ExpressReviewApr. 94
10All TV listngsRe Link infoMar. 94
21Ptolemaic TerrascopeReviewAug. 94
22Dail magazineLive reviewDec. 95
23Time OutListingsAug. 95
24DAILFurther live reviews