Simon Mark Smith (

USA Tour 2003 Page 10

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US Tour 2003

Day 10




A quiet day. Larry had a few practicalities to deal with, like getting his car fixed and an alarm system installed. I spent ages emailing and talking to people on the phone. My leg was still aching so I couldn’t walk enough to go sightseeing so instead I did some virtual touring via the net.

Larry picked up books he’d posted to himself, most of them were severely damaged, so he said he needed to get some comfort food, so off we went.


Still thinking about his books Larry doesn’t notice the mushroom cloud in the distance nor a wild cactus chasing us!

This is monsoon season. Like we don’t know what hot is, they don’t know what a rainy season is.

A gratuitous shot of the desert road. Why has Larry taken me down this road?

To show me what the land we’re living on looked like only a few years ago.
Phoenix like the Phoenix bird is supposed to rise from the fire of the desert.

Day 11 is already posted.

